Monday 25 August 2014


-          Had a great day out and took some pictures with your friends and you want to share them? So you post it but have you asked for friend’s permission? Putting up a picture of you and friends without asking is wrong because you may want to post it but they might not want everyone to see it. In the end it does have them in the photo some it might make them uncomfortable if they see a picture of them online and they didn’t even post it. Also without asking their permission you can break friendships.

-          Sharing Photos is fine but when you start to post inappropriate pictures you create unwanted attention. For example: cyber-bullying, verbal bullying etc.

-          Embarrassing photos can ruin people’s reputations. Say you finally get out of school and you are trying to get a job. The company you apply do a background check on you and they come across disturbing picture of you. Now they have the impression that you are not serious and childish but even though you aren’t. Therefore you don’t get the job. 

-          1 silly photo online can lead to the whole school knowing about it. Embarrassing right? That’s why you have to be careful of what you post online.
-          When you post a picture it stays there forever even if you delete it. How? Well people can screen shot your photo before you have taken it down and they can spread it around via instant message.

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